Friday, July 26, 2013

What to wear/ how to look on your Emirates Etihad Qatar Cabin Crew OD/AD/FI

Some tips/advice for you on what to wear and how to look when you attend your Emirates/Etihad/Qatar.. Open day, Assessment, Final interview......

 Whatever i have written here is what i have observed and learned through the years i been to those 10000 recruitment days for etihad, emirates and qatar...
The stuff i mention below are the things i have observed and learned through the 10000 recruitment events i have been to over the past 8+ years. Also the things i saw candidates wore during the final interviews and those who got the job with etihad, emirates and qatar.

Lets start with:


Do a bun!! A bun always looks the most professional and neat, of course a neat pony tail can do it too if you wont manage to do a bun, but if you can manage to do a bun, you will look the best in a bun. If you try to do a bun i think they will notice you ´´tried´´. if you want to impress BIG TIME than obviously doing a french twist is the way to go. Although i never been able to learn how to do a french twist, not even when they taught us in the training in etihadlol, i always done a bun.....i did a bun on my recruitment days too.....


Loreal Mineral Foundation is my secret to perfect looking skin....this was the tips our grooming officer told us during the grooming training i had and i have been using it ever since,,,everywhere too....its such a great thing...fits all skin need for liquid foundation either, just use this mineral foundation.....

Lipstick Colors:

These are the colors i recommend and looks the best...Mac Red or Russian red ect...i think it helps the recruiters to envision the candidates more easier if people would wear red lipstick...the more we look like a cc the better....


The colors i recommend are only these below. French manicure is the best though......nude colors works too..


Two kind of earrings is a must...small diamond earring and pearl........but these were  actually the only two earrings we were allowed to wear in etihad...during my etihad recruitment days i wore pearl...i only advice these two.....

Other Jewelery/Scarf:

No necklace or bracelet, i dont think its needed,,,only earrings....and no need for any scarf....if you wear a scarf perhaps they will be suspicious that you might hide a tattoo or a scar....

The Jacket/ Shirt:

Black, dark navy, dark gray colored jackets are the best i think. 
White, baby blue, gray, navy blue for the shirt.
You can also wear a black, dark gray dress too, like some of these pictures below:::


NOOOO pants !!!! they only want girls to be wearing skirts on open days or assessment days and final interview...they told us that during the assessment...they want to see girls wearing skirts cause if people wear pants they think people are hiding scars or skirt is great to wear or a black or dark gray dress....knee length is a must! no shorter...or longer.....


Is a must, skin color here too!


Court shoes open toe shoes....these shoes i will show below are the shoes i recommend...and some of them even look almost identical to our cabin crew on board shoes....i used similar shoes too during my recruitment days for both Emirates and Etihad and Qatar shoes only....


This shows you are organized and prepared....and you are neat and have eye for details...i had put my papers in a folder when i handed over my resume during my open day...and during my final interview for both ey and ek while i handed them my papers i had them all in a black of the recruiters during my final interview with emirates told me during my final interview that my papers looks very organized.

Passport Photos:

While people spend tons on making these passport photos i found a very CHEAP way to do them...which only cost me like 1euro...for 8 passport photos...cause its ridiculous to spend tons of money on these passport pictures when you perhaps have to redo them or you need more what did i do? i had my friend take a pic of me in business jacket and full make up in a bun, with white background..... i used this free website:

This site does it all for you, you can just pick the size....than when its put the pic files in your USB and go to those stores who have those ´´instant picture printer´´ thingy......they have them in grocery stores or photo stores ect....or u might even have one of those printers at home...anyhow this only cost cheap....and so easy and fast......than you just cut the 8 pics...i did this both for my emirates/ etihad/ qatar open day, and final interview...and it worked..
 later on i used these for etihad for my ID card  and i even used those pics for UAE ID card as well this is a great tips

Passport size Photo:

A perfect example of how a passport size photo should look like::::::::

Full Length Photo:

During my Emirates assessment they gave us these papers, on how to look like for our final interview...for both girls and boys....i took a pic of it and this is the paper:::: 

 This is exactly how you should look like when you take  your full length more no less....

below are another perfect example of a full length photo::::::

Qatar Airways have their own photo guidelines::

Causal Photos:

These airlines sometimes asks for casual photos, these are example pics i think should work.
No party pics, only you in the pic.
No spaghetti tops or mini skirts 
Not holding a drink or smoking in pics
Pants and a t-shirt is the best...preferable having the nature behind you or a city background ect..... + a big smile is a must in these pics....

another sample pic below, but obviously you have to face the camera and smile...

I think i covered pretty much the most important stuff to think about.....hope this was a informative read.....GOOD LUCK EVERYONE :-)

1 comment:

  1. This is beyond helpful, thanks alot.
    best regards.


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