Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Monday, December 1, 2014
17 Things that change forever when you live abroad ♥
17 Things that change forever when you live abroad
By Angie Castells
♥ (((( I LOVE this article and all the 17 points are so true, i feel once you set your foot out of your home country NOTHING will ever be the same again in your life. You will never be the same again)))) ♥
1. Adrenalin becomes part of your life.
From the moment you decide to move abroad, your life turns
into a powerful mix of emotions – learning, improvising, dealing with the
unexpected… All your senses sharpen up, and for a while the word “routine” is
dismissed from your vocabulary to make space for an ever rising adrenalin
thrill ride. New places, new habits, new challenges, new people. Starting anew
should terrify you, but it’s unusually addictive.
2. But when you go back… everything looks the same.
That’s why, when you get a few days off and fly back home,
it strikes you how little everything has changed. Your life’s been changing at
a non-stop pace, and you’re on holidays and ready to share all those anecdotes
you’ve been piling up. But, at home, life’s the same as ever. Everyone keeps
struggling with their daily chores, and it suddenly strikes you: life won’t
stop for you.
3. You lack the (and yet you have too many) words.
When someone asks you about your new life, you lack the
right words to convey all you’re experiencing. Yet later, in the middle of a
random conversation, something reminds you about ‘that time when’…, and you
have to hold your tongue because you don’t want to overwhelm everyone with
stories from your ‘other country’ and come across as pretentious.
4. You come to understand that courage is overrated.
Lots of people will tell you how brave you are – they too
would move abroad if they weren’t so scared. And you, even though you’ve been
scared, too, know that courage makes up about 10% of life-changing decisions.
The other 90% is purely about wanting it with all your heart. Do you want to do
it, do you really feel like doing it? Then do it. From the moment we decide to
jump, we’re no longer cowards nor courageous – whatever comes our way, we deal
with it.
´´´´It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You
step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where
you might be swept off to´´´´
5. And, suddenly, you’re free.
You’ve always been free, but freedom feels different now.
Now that you’ve given up every comfort and made it work thousands of miles away
from home… you feel like you’re capable of anything!
6. You no longer speak one particular language.
Sometimes you unintentionally let a word from another
language slip. Other times you can only think of a way of saying something…
with that perfect word which, by the way, is in the wrong language. When you
interact with a foreign language on a daily basis, you learn and unlearn at the
same time. All the while you’re soaking up cultural references and swear words
in your second language, you find yourself reading in your mother tongue so it
won’t get rusty. Like that time when Homer took a home winemaking course and
forgot how to drive.
7. You learn to say goodbye… and to enjoy yourself.
You soon realize that now, most things and people in your
life are just passing through, and you instinctively play down the importance
of most situations. You perfect the right balance between bonding and letting
go – a perpetual battle between nostalgia and pragmatism.
8. You have two of everything.
Two SIM cards (one of them packed with phone numbers from
all over the world), two library cards, two bank accounts… And two types of
coins, which always end up mysteriously mixing when you’re about to pay for
9. Normal? What’s normal?
Living abroad, like traveling, makes you realise that
‘normal’ only means socially or culturally accepted. When you plunge into a
different culture and a different society, your notion of normality soon falls
apart. You learn there are other ways of doing things, and after a while, you
too take to that habit you never thought you’d embrace. You also get to know
yourself a little better, because you discover that some things you really
believe in, while others are just a cultural heritage of the society you grew
up in.
10. You become a tourist in your own city.
That tourist trap you may not have visited in your country
only adds up to the never-ending list of things to do in your new home, and you
soon become quite the expert on your new city. But when someone comes over for
a few days and asks for some suggestions, you find it really hard to recommend
but a few things – if it were up to you, you’d recommend visiting everything!
11. You learn how to be patient… and how to ask for help.
When you live abroad, the simplest task can become a huge
challenge. Processing paperwork, finding the right word, knowing which bus to
take. There’s always moments of distress, but you’re soon filled with more
patience than you ever knew you had in you, and accept that asking for help is
not only inevitable, but also a very healthy habit.
12. Time is measured in tiny little moments.
It’s as if you were looking through the car window –
everything moves really slowly at the back, in the distance, while in front of
you life passes by at full speed. On the one hand, you receive news from home –
birthdays you missed, people who left without you getting the chance to say
goodbye one last time, celebrations you won’t be able to attend. On the other
hand, in your new home life goes by at top speed. Time is so distorted now,
that you learn how to measure it in tiny little moments, either a Skype call
with your family and old friends or a pint with the new ones.
13. Nostalgia strikes when you least expect it.
A food, a song, a smell. The smallest trifle can overwhelm
you with homesickness. You miss those little things you never thought you’d
miss, and you’d give anything to go back to that place, even if it were just
for an instant. Or to share that feeling with someone who’d understand you…
14. But you know it’s not where, but when and how.
Although deep down, you know you don’t miss a place, but a
strange and magical conjunction of the right place, the right moment and the
right people. That year when you traveled, when you shared your life with
special ones, when you were so happy. There’s a tiny bit of who you were
scattered among all the places you’ve lived in, but sometimes going back to
that place is not enough to stop missing it.
15. You change.
I’m sure you’ve heard about life-changing trips. Well,
they’re not a commonplace – living abroad is a trip that will profoundly change
your life and who you are. It will shake up your roots, your certainties and
your fears. Living in Edinburgh changed us forever in many ways, and if it
weren’t for that experience, we probably wouldn’t be about to embark on our
next life adventure right now. Maybe you won’t realise it, or even believe it,
before you do it. But after some time, one day you’ll see it crystal clear.
You’ve evolved, you’ve got scars, you’ve lived. You’ve changed.
16. You fit your home into a suitcase.
From the moment you squeeze your life into a suitcase (or,
if you’re lucky with your airline, two), whatever you thought ‘home’ was
doesn’t exist anymore. Almost anything you can touch can be replaced – wherever
you travel, you’ll end up stockpiling new clothes, new books, new mugs. But
there will come a day when you’ll suddenly feel at home in your new city. Home
is the person traveling with you, the people you leave behind, the streets
where your life takes place. Home is also the random stuff in your new flat,
those things you’ll get rid of in the blink of an eye when the time to leave
comes. Home is all those memories, all those long-distance calls with your
family and friends, a bunch of pictures. Home is where the heart is.
17. And… there’s no turning back.
Now you know what it means to give up comfort, what starting
from scratch and marveling at the world every day feels like. And it being such
a huge, endless world… How could you choose not to keep traveling and
discovering it?
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Etihad In-Flight Chef Blog
A very informative blog about the journey to become a In-Flight Chef for Etihad. There are a lot of things this girl write, that is similar to what the cabin crews also do or go through, example the training, application and loads more...i totally advice you guys to read her blog :-) regardless if your aiming to become a cabin crew or in-flight chef.
I truly enjoyed reading her blog :-)
And here is her instagram
I truly enjoyed reading her blog :-)
And here is her instagram
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Lupè Love - Emirates Cabin Crew Blog
Check it out and get inspired 💗
My Cabin Crew experience with Etihad ❤
I thought i
would take some time to express my emotions and my thoughts of how this job
truly changed me, what i learned and some of my experiences from this job. And how this job truly showed me the world, taught me certain
lessons in life and made me brave and stronger. The professional and personal skills i gained with Etihad as a cabin crew. I can not express how thankful
i am that i got the chance to work as a cabin crew for Etihad. I saw things i
never thought i would see in million years, i explored things i didnt even
think i would be lucky enough to explore and i handled certain situations as a crew that
i couldnt even think i would even be able to handle. I grew so much personally and professionally being a
cabin crew, and i will forever, forever, forever be thankful and blessed that i
even got the chance to score this job and experience this job with Etihad as crew. Its such a change in life and you get thrown into this completely new world. But this new world changed me, and i will forever be thankful for this, as all changes are positive. Before i joined Etihad i had already explored few parts of the world and got
the chance to travel and do other exciting things. But the things i experienced
and got to do wasnt even 1% of the stuff i did before. This was on a whole different level. I thought i had seen a lot previously in life before i worked as a cabin crew but i was so wrong. I dont know if it was
pure luck or if it was meant to be or if i was just in the right place at the
right time when i scored this job. As still today the recruitment process for Etihad is a mystery to me. I have to admit all these middle eastern cabin crew recruitment process are all a mystery to me, and not only Etihad. I honestly dont know how even got this job. Many ask me if me who got this job would perhaps know ´´the secret of scoring this job´´. But honestly i dont think no one knows only the HR folks at each company knows. Of course we can dress the part, have the perfect resume, perfect education, working experiences, have the look and all that, but still we get rejected. So i have no idea how i got this job to be honest. Pretty much for approx 3 years i did the exact same thing when i went to these airline recruitment events and i got rejected one by one, until i scored Etihad. So i dont know what made me score this. Perhaps its a cocktail mix of Luck, destiny and being there at the right time and place, who knows.
But today few years after i look back at that year i had with Etihad and wow i think, that i got to do all of those stuff and experience all of those things. I recommend 100% this job to anyone and everyone, it was truly a ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE FOR ME to join Etihad and work as a cabin crew. I feel the cabin crew job made me so strong that today i can handle pretty much anything thrown at me. All the life skills we had before we joined, gets improved and increase to mind blowing levels when we experience the cabin crew world . I feel this job gave me the skills to be so patient and so understanding. The communication skills i have today i could never imagine having before. There were so many situations that taught me so many life skills. I used to be so insecure and not confident at all and being a cabin crew totally made me more secure and confident. Because this job forces you to do so many things i didnt even imagine would happen or i would face. Example would be all eyes are on you when you are onboard regardless what you do, and a passenger perhaps had a bad day and would perhaps yell and argue with you. All i could do would listen and make this passenger feel that i understand him and communicate in ways i normally wouldnt know how to in these certain situations. Normally people dont argue with me or yell at me in extreme aggressive ways. So those situations where the passengers would be angry and yell so loud ect would happen often, and thats something i have learned to handle and deal with. Usually i dont like conflict and i would run away from conflicts, but here you cant run away or hide hehehehehe, you just have to deal with this. I didnt mind the team work we had to do while working, but i learned various ways in working with other people. Each flight we had we had new set of crew, new faces and new coworkers to work with.
But today few years after i look back at that year i had with Etihad and wow i think, that i got to do all of those stuff and experience all of those things. I recommend 100% this job to anyone and everyone, it was truly a ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE FOR ME to join Etihad and work as a cabin crew. I feel the cabin crew job made me so strong that today i can handle pretty much anything thrown at me. All the life skills we had before we joined, gets improved and increase to mind blowing levels when we experience the cabin crew world . I feel this job gave me the skills to be so patient and so understanding. The communication skills i have today i could never imagine having before. There were so many situations that taught me so many life skills. I used to be so insecure and not confident at all and being a cabin crew totally made me more secure and confident. Because this job forces you to do so many things i didnt even imagine would happen or i would face. Example would be all eyes are on you when you are onboard regardless what you do, and a passenger perhaps had a bad day and would perhaps yell and argue with you. All i could do would listen and make this passenger feel that i understand him and communicate in ways i normally wouldnt know how to in these certain situations. Normally people dont argue with me or yell at me in extreme aggressive ways. So those situations where the passengers would be angry and yell so loud ect would happen often, and thats something i have learned to handle and deal with. Usually i dont like conflict and i would run away from conflicts, but here you cant run away or hide hehehehehe, you just have to deal with this. I didnt mind the team work we had to do while working, but i learned various ways in working with other people. Each flight we had we had new set of crew, new faces and new coworkers to work with.
Picture by: instagram.com/yarilya
that team work skills i learned help me deal with various situations today with
working with people. Working as a crew you are never alone, you always have 14 or 25 other crew onboard. So team work is very important while working as a crew.
I had doubts/ fear before joining and thought IS THIS JOB RIGHT FOR ME? WILL I BE ABLE TO HANDLE THIS? AM I MAKING THE RIGHT DECISOUN HERE? WHAT AM I DOING? I was so scared before joining, thinking what if i get fired for doing something wrong ect ect. Even if i wanted this so badly and this was my dream still those emotions and thoughts came to me.
But i thought who cares let me try this...i want this so much....why should i let my anxious and worried mind stop me. Cause at the end of the day its all in our minds....our fear and doubt i mean.
This was the biggest and the most challenging decision of my life when i joined Etihad. The best job decision i ever made 100%. Yeah i was pretty scared for various stuff before i joined but we all are human and when we face such a big change in life we are bound to have those negative, scary thoughts and emotions. So i thought these emotions and thoughts are normal. Challenges and changes are always positive and will help us GROW and open new opportunities for us or teach us something. I had a lot of worries before i joined, worries such as what if people discover i have tattoos and i didnt declare them lol, what if i wont pass the exams and they will send me home, what if i wont pass the medicals in Abu Dhabi and i will be sent home, what if i didnt knew the answers during the briefings before flights and i would get reported and sent home, what if i became lonely and didnt find any friends ect ect....there was tons of fears.....Fears and doubts everyone had once we joined...everyone thought similar like i did....
I had doubts/ fear before joining and thought IS THIS JOB RIGHT FOR ME? WILL I BE ABLE TO HANDLE THIS? AM I MAKING THE RIGHT DECISOUN HERE? WHAT AM I DOING? I was so scared before joining, thinking what if i get fired for doing something wrong ect ect. Even if i wanted this so badly and this was my dream still those emotions and thoughts came to me.
But i thought who cares let me try this...i want this so much....why should i let my anxious and worried mind stop me. Cause at the end of the day its all in our minds....our fear and doubt i mean.
This was the biggest and the most challenging decision of my life when i joined Etihad. The best job decision i ever made 100%. Yeah i was pretty scared for various stuff before i joined but we all are human and when we face such a big change in life we are bound to have those negative, scary thoughts and emotions. So i thought these emotions and thoughts are normal. Challenges and changes are always positive and will help us GROW and open new opportunities for us or teach us something. I had a lot of worries before i joined, worries such as what if people discover i have tattoos and i didnt declare them lol, what if i wont pass the exams and they will send me home, what if i wont pass the medicals in Abu Dhabi and i will be sent home, what if i didnt knew the answers during the briefings before flights and i would get reported and sent home, what if i became lonely and didnt find any friends ect ect....there was tons of fears.....Fears and doubts everyone had once we joined...everyone thought similar like i did....
Picture by: instagram.com/sanevanzyl
Once faced
with such a change in life, i guess those questions and fears come automatically.
And of course obstacles were thrown in my path. Doesnt matter where we are or
what we do in this world, there will always be ups and downs. I remember the
main problems i had in Abu Dhabi was me not being able to pass the exams during
the training, it was so difficult for me. But i faced the fear of failing and i
did fail several exams but i re-took the exams and passed them thankfully. I
did have problems answering some of the questions that were asked during our briefing
before each flight, but that went alright anyway cause you always get another chance and another
question to answer. All of these and more situations taught me
that we cant give up and should always face our fears and once we are out of
the storm or the situation we become much stronger and we learn. I remember i was
a bit scared at the beginning of how i would deal with medical emergency on
board, or any kind of strange behaviors onboard cause i had never experienced such situations before at my previous jobs.
Well i remember the first time i had to deal with a medical emergency/situation
on board, which happened during my 1st month of flying. I was at the galley
talking to a fellow co worker and a passenger came to us asking for water and
he stood next to me. Suddenly he fainted and i was just next to him so
thankfully my reflexes were fast enough to catch him in my arms so he wouldnt
fall on the floor. I remember i reacted in a calm way and tried to collect
myself and my co worker went to grab some pillows and a blanket to put under
his head. Quickly the passenger woke up and was a bit dizzy, we gave him some
water and he sat on the floor to gather his breathe. We talked with him and
quickly he felt better and we went with him to his seat after a while. Later
after this situation the after emotions and thoughts came to me and i felt so
proud and strong that i managed to deal with this and quickly helped. I didnt
feel scared or nervous at all at that time. This was the first medical
situation/ or whatever you can call it...i had to deal with on board. This was
first of 10000 to come and compared to other medical situations i had to deal
with, this was the easiest. But this taught me to be calm and collected, and
handle certain stressful and pressured situations in a professional way. Quickly to think of ways to
help others ect.
Picture by: instagram.com/pie_jf_crew
I experienced so much happiness, so much love, bad times, good
times, tears, laughter also friendship during my time in Abu Dhabi working for
Etihad. We got the chance to stay in 5 star hotels where sometimes celebrities
and superstars would stay at. We would get the chance to eat exciting different
food at awesome cool restaurants around the world. I met so many lovely
beautiful and wonderful friends from all over the world that gave me so much
happiness. I felt proud of wearing the Etihad uniform and felt proud of working with something i once only could dream of doing. We got the chance to go shopping all over the world and bring back so many fun stuff. We got the chance to use all the cabin crew benefits and discounts all over Abu Dhabi and other places too. I learned about a whole new culture and their customs in Abu Dhabi, also while we traveled all over we got the chance to learn about other cultures and traditions too. While working as a crew and traveling it truly broadens your mind. I feel this job also taught me to take risks and challenged my perception of things in this world. Sometimes i would get the best crew ever on some flights and those
moments/flights was the best memories we would have. I remember one flight i
had to Chengdu, China, and during that time we didnt have many passengers, we
flew on a A330 and the total seats it had was 262 passengers. During that flight we
only had 43 PASSENGERS. Oh my god on a A330 we only had 43 passengers and it was pure
bliss for the entire crew. We all managed to finish the service in record time
and we had plenty of time to ourselves to enjoy on board.
Picture by: instagram.com/xholliemx
We would all sit in
the galley and talk, eat crew meals and laugh. I remember because we only had 43
passengers in total during that flight to Chengdu, many rows in the back
of the plane were empty. So our Cabin Manager approved of some rest hours for us crew, cause normally we dont have crew rest on this route. So
all of us crew in the economy would each take 1 row each and just sleep or
relax for few short hours. The flight hours to Chengdu was approx 6hours and 40min.
So imagine how much fun we had running around and being silly all of us. We
would go around taking pictures of ourselves and each other, we would throw
pillows at each other and we would go to business class and enjoy their ice cream. Cause they had plenty of ice cream for the business class passengers left, and not many were eating them. Often it happens when the business class passengers dont eat their meals or whatever, we would go eat them. Cause it would than be in the fridge and not be used and than thrown away. We had the coolest
Cabin Manager and Cabin Senior ever and when we have a relaxed easy going team
the whole flight would be so much fun and relaxed. But on the way back from Chengdu of
course the flight was full so no more playing around hehehehe. Flights like
this are very rare, cause most flights are either full or almost full. When we
would have full flights than it would be us busy running up and down and
Those are
the moments i will cherish forever. I have so many amazing memories from my
time in Etihad. Again im so blessed i got the chance to experience the cabin
crew job and that lifestyle that came with it.
Picture by: instagram.com/barbiee__j
On days off in Abu Dhabi we would either go to Dubai to enjoy some shopping, or eating good food, enjoy some fun parties or go to the pool. Crew have discount on many hotels in Abu Dhabi and Dubai and we would go to various hotels and use their outdoor/indoor pools and clubs ect.
I also have weird, crazy and not fun
memories too, which comes with the job as well. One memory i have is once i had
a flight to Frankfurt and we had this very annoying and strict cabin senior
that would comment on all the wrong things we would do on board. Dont know if
she woke up on the wrong side that morning or was on her period or what the
hell was going on with her hehehehe but she would just find errors and would
comment on every single thing we did. Even if we would do the right thing she
would find whatever it would be wrong with what we were doing. So the energy on
board and in the team in the economy was not nice. Once in a while the cabin
seniors also have to do so called ´´on board assessments´´ on us crew. We have to do
these minimum 4 times a year.
Anyhow and my bad luck this cabin senior told us crew in the economy that she
wanted to do these ´´onboard assessment´´ on us on that flight to frankfurt. These on board assessment was things the cabin senior would check if we did or not. Example it would be if we have done something nice for any passenger during that flight, how we handled certain situations during certain situations or what we can improve of or what we need to learn more about. What the cabin senior saw in our work that she/he thought wasnt good or we needed to improve. Something we needed to study more about or what our goals are for the future in etihad or if we did our safety security check correctly done during that flight ect ect ect.....
Its a form we later go through with our cabin senior (cabin manager if you work in business or first class)
I knew i wouldnt get good grades or comments from that assessment because she obviously doesnt like anyone on board heheheeh it didnt matter how perfect we worked or did our best. At the end she wrote very bad stuff about me and wrote that i had done many errors ect. lol These on board assessments actually help us get promoted to work in business or first class later on. This among other things of course. So i was very upset that i had gotten a bad review from her...But what to do, it is what it is. In this job when we are 1000 crew/staff, we are bound to meet fellow co workers that we dont like or wont be able to stand ect. But of course i acted all professional and respected our cabin senior and didnt say anything ect. Cause if we arnt professional we will get reported and thats not good. So once again this taught me to be professional and working in teams even if one person doesnt do her part well or its impossible to work with that person.....we still manage and pull through...managed to work under stress and pressure...
Times like this than we thank god we work with different crew each flight, than we dont necessary have to meet that person ever again hehehehe
Having all eyes on you, you truly have to pull through and be strong to do your part. There has been so much i have learned/improved when i used to work as a cabin crew. Example of skills i learned/improved would be problem solving, communication skills, customer service, flexibility, ability to work under pressure and stress, team work, organizational skills, assertive and punctual and of course being kind and understanding and moreeeeee....
Its a form we later go through with our cabin senior (cabin manager if you work in business or first class)
I knew i wouldnt get good grades or comments from that assessment because she obviously doesnt like anyone on board heheheeh it didnt matter how perfect we worked or did our best. At the end she wrote very bad stuff about me and wrote that i had done many errors ect. lol These on board assessments actually help us get promoted to work in business or first class later on. This among other things of course. So i was very upset that i had gotten a bad review from her...But what to do, it is what it is. In this job when we are 1000 crew/staff, we are bound to meet fellow co workers that we dont like or wont be able to stand ect. But of course i acted all professional and respected our cabin senior and didnt say anything ect. Cause if we arnt professional we will get reported and thats not good. So once again this taught me to be professional and working in teams even if one person doesnt do her part well or its impossible to work with that person.....we still manage and pull through...managed to work under stress and pressure...
Times like this than we thank god we work with different crew each flight, than we dont necessary have to meet that person ever again hehehehe
Having all eyes on you, you truly have to pull through and be strong to do your part. There has been so much i have learned/improved when i used to work as a cabin crew. Example of skills i learned/improved would be problem solving, communication skills, customer service, flexibility, ability to work under pressure and stress, team work, organizational skills, assertive and punctual and of course being kind and understanding and moreeeeee....
The best
choice i ever made in my entire life so far was when i applied to Etihad for
the role as a cabin crew and im beyond happy and thankful i even got the chance
to join them. Im so happy i took this challenge and did it .
Im sure i would gain the same knowledge and experiences if i had worked for Emirates, Qatar or British Airways or whatever airline now it is....the job in itself is the same doesnt matter the company. I mention these companies because previously i had applied to them too but got rejected heheheh
Im sure i would gain the same knowledge and experiences if i had worked for Emirates, Qatar or British Airways or whatever airline now it is....the job in itself is the same doesnt matter the company. I mention these companies because previously i had applied to them too but got rejected heheheh
about applying to these airlines and getting rejected, god thats the hardest
part...ONE OF THE HARDEST part in my life was these rejections. It took me 3
years and 1000 rejections before i scored Etihad. I did Emirates 4 times, i did Qatar 3 times, i did British Airways 1 time, i even did Thomson 1 time before
i scored Etihad...all of this over the course of 3 years. At that time i didnt knew about
Flydubai, if i knew i would 100% apply to them too hehehehe
It all
began with a dream i had, which i never thought i would ever score. But i
chased it like it was the last thing i ever could do, i was so obsessed with
it, the fire in me or the obsession turned into determination and the driving
force in me. Seriously i just had to score that job of my dreams, even if it would
take me years and i would get grey hair heheeh. I would fly back home from assessments or open days crying,
after rejections, it was truly painful to lose....and i was thinking what i did wrong...WHEN TODAY i know i didnt do any wrong and perhaps that time wasnt meant to be, or i wasnt lucky that day who knows.
But i
regained my strength and started the engines to chase it ALL OVER AGAIN....heheeh i was
nuts.....but i guess you know this is YOUR THING or YOUR BURNING PASSION for this
But each
chapter in our lives has its own Struggle and Beauty. But truly i feel this job changed me to a much better person i am today. It also opened a new door for me for new goals/dreams in life. So i will forever be thankful for this experience.
....its totally like a GAME thought...we enter this game knowing we will either win or lose, we buy this ticket aka ´´applying´´... than after we apply its not in our control anymore.....after we do the final interview its no longer in our hands anymore....
Even if its a painful game to play with all the emotions up and down...still its all worth it....cause its the fruit of our hardwork we seek...the reward after such hardship....❤
or the positive email you receive that you passed the final interview
Picture by: instagram.com.yeseul_ha
or when your application status online, changes to whatever final status
Picture by: http://livingamongthestars.wordpress.com/
I just felt
the urge to write this and share some emotions and thoughts about my time with etihad and what it gave me and what i gained and learned...
...i hope this motivate YOUUUUU ❤ dear lovely reader to NOT STOP...keep chasing your dreams....if u fall,,,,stand up again and keep walking again.......if you get rejected, dont let it define you....dont let it dim the light inside your heart....❤.....make another light....and let it shine bright inside you...
Regardless of what company you wish to join as a crew
...i hope this motivate YOUUUUU ❤ dear lovely reader to NOT STOP...keep chasing your dreams....if u fall,,,,stand up again and keep walking again.......if you get rejected, dont let it define you....dont let it dim the light inside your heart....❤.....make another light....and let it shine bright inside you...
Regardless of what company you wish to join as a crew
Just dont give up because of the obstacles in your path....you will make it...and believe in yourself
Dont let anyone or anything stop you from getting there...and never think negative...the road might be long and difficult...but thats ok..cause with struggle we become stronger......even when the storm hit you....just ride it out and come out of it stronger and braver............❤
Dont let anyone or anything stop you from getting there...and never think negative...the road might be long and difficult...but thats ok..cause with struggle we become stronger......even when the storm hit you....just ride it out and come out of it stronger and braver............❤
Yeah its
painful and damn hard....but without dreams......what do we live for?
So keep
walking dear.......soon that golden ticket will be yours ❤ and a whole
different amazing life is ahead of you....you deserve that
From the bottom of my heart i truly wish you the best.....we will see what tomorrow will bring for all of us.....❤
Regards// Cabincrewdreamer
Regards// Cabincrewdreamer
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