Sunday, August 4, 2024

Does Emirates recruit cabin crews over 30 years old?


























If anyone is curious about their max-age, then here is the proof. Emirates' target age group is 21-25 years old. They love to hire in this age group.

Then we have 25-30 years old. After 30+ it will be super difficult to get this job. From what I know in 2024, their max age is 32 years old.

But the door is open if you are 21 years old to 30 years old. After 30 + then the door will slowly be closing for you.

I assume everyone who is reading this knows that Emirates is ageist and this is no secret in the aviation community.

This photo shows up as an ad on Facebook. You won't get more proof than this.


How to successfully pass all the recruitment steps (Emirates)

 I found this on Quora and it's super informative. Tips and tricks about how to pass an Emirates recruitment event. What to think of and some secrets etc. Check it out:::😊


The things the recruiters look for in candidates:


  • You have to look good. There is no secret that the Emirates crew members all look amazing. Emirates uses their Cabin Crew as their PR. Image is super important for Emirates. That's why they carefully select those who have that ‘’look’’. It's pretty easy though for most people to create this ‘’look’’ with makeup and the right attire. The way someone carries themselves walks, and talks also can make someone look ‘’attractive’’ for the job. The crazy fact is that All Emirates cabin crew recruiters are females. They never hire males for this position. Emirates still do things as if they are living in the 1920s.
  • With a good look comes a flawless skin. By this I mean your skin has to look flawless. Having acne is not a good look when attending a recruitment event. The recruiters reject candidates with severe acne etc. These recruitment events are very superficial among other things. sad but a reality.
  • Candidates aren't allowed to have wild hair colors. It's not acceptable for example to have pink, blue, or even red hair. Natural hair colors are acceptable. No wild highlights are acceptable either.
  • Being presentable at the event is a big plus. For example, wearing formal attire during the recruitment events.
  • Having an easy and simple CV, with no strange gaps in it. Having customer service experience is a huge plus in your resume. Spelling errors in your CV are a big no-no. If you have gaps in your resume, then you better have a great examination for it. 1–2 pages max. Recruiters don't have time to read too much info and page after page.
  • Fluent in English is a must, which is obvious here. With this comes also excellent communication skills. This is one of the number 1 qualities the recruiters look for in recruitment events.
  • Body language. Your body language should be positive. You should smile, and you shouldn't be afraid of making eye contact with everyone. Think of your posture, and you should sit and walk confidently.
  • Females should have full make-up on, nails, and hair on point.
  • Males should be clean-shaven.
  • If you are single and have no kids when applying that is a plus. Sure they hire married folks, but they rather not. They just want young and single people to accept whatever contract is given so they could work work work without any complaints. That's why they don't hire anyone above the age of 32 years old.
  • During group assessment and group work, you should talk a little bit but not take over the whole show. You should be able to work in a group. When talking during group assessments, you should use words like example ‘’ I agree, do you all agree, Is this a good idea for everyone and what does everyone think’’. Talk in a way where you are including everyone and being a team player. For example, saying words or sentences like ‘’ We as a group think this way, our group decided that…’’ etc. Teamwork is one of the main things recruiters look for. If someone is talking all the time and not allowing others to talk, that's a red flag.
  • They don't like overly extroverted people. Neither do they like shy introverts. There should be a balance.
  • During interviews, you should have stories ready about your previous working history or about your education. When talking with recruiters, the conversation should come naturally. You should communicate confidently. If you come off stressed or nervous that's not a good look. This means you can't handle stress and pressure.
  • Your photos that you will include in your application should be flawless with minimal editing.
  •  Their height recruitment is that you should be above 160cm and be able to reach 212cm. There will be a height and reach test during the recruitment event. Being taller than 160cm is even better.
  •  Being lucky to connect with the recruiters. Here is one point that no one can control or practice beforehand. Sometimes as a recruiter, you simply can’t connect with a candidate even if that person has everything they need. There is a gut feeling recruiters have, and that's something candidates can't control. We have had perfect candidates on paper but then they sit in front of you and there is no fire or passion detected coming from the candidate. There is no connection and that's the reason for a rejection. This happens all the time in the HR/Emirates world.
  • Being lucky. That in itself is something no one can control either. The recruiter has a quota when they travel to these cities to recruit. For example, they go to France and their goal is to hire only French-speaking people. If someone from Italy flies to this open day in France, they will get rejected. Even if this Italian candidate might be able to speak a little bit of French or none at all. They simply want to hire only French nationals. For example, they might only want to hire from the age group of 21 to 25. Then if someone is 30 years old, they will have no chance. There are secret quotas they have for every city they go to, and this is something no one can control. You just have to be lucky to fall into this category or the quota that they have for that specific day and city.
  • They don't mention this, but if you come from a specific country that the UAE has issues with. Due to whatever reason political or whatever, they will reject you for it.
  • Being skinny or having a healthy BMI. As I mentioned before image is everything for Emirates as they use their crew as their PR. You can not be overweight or even be super curvy etc.
  • You have to have a nice smile with normal teeth. If you have crooked teeth, you will get rejected.
  • Flexibility, communication, teamwork, customer service oriented, problem-solving, attention to detail, adaptability, leadership, and interpersonal skills are skills that recruiters look for in candidates. They check these skills during the whole recruitment event. From the way you communicate and behave etc. How you solve different situations during the group work etc.
  • As image is everything to them, it's obvious that you shouldn’t have any visible tattoos when being in the uniform or birthmarks that are visible and deep. No deep scars that would ruin ‘’their perfect image’’.
  •  Coming across as a cheerful and social person during the interview and the recruitment event is also something that will land you the job.
  • They are also looking for someone who is a calm person. If stuff happens onboard, you should be able to remain calm.
  • They are looking for candidates who would be able to wear many hats. This is a universal thing, that crew members do a lot of things on board, things that aren't in their contracts. For example, be a nanny and handle kids from time to time. Kids will be running up and down the aisle, and parents will ask you to watch their kids so they can go to the WC. Parents who will not watch their kids and let their kids run around wild. You have to be the one who will inform the parents about the rules. So many things can happen with being around kids.


  • You have to be a person who is quick to come up with stories about how you would handle various situations. Stories that you have experienced during your work or studies etc.
  • You should be healthy. If you have a weak immune immune system and you mention this in your medical papers they will reject you. Having many sick days is a big no-no. They don't want the crew to call in sick a lot. If you feel you aren't fit to fly, get sick a lot, or have medical issues, this job isn't for you
  •  Being articulate is a must to ace the Emirates cabin crew recruitment events.


I would say these tips/tricks/secrets would apply to Etihad and Qatar too. 

Does Emirates recruit cabin crews over 30 years old?

                                                  If anyone is curious about their max-age, then here is the proof. Emirates' target age...