Sunday, August 4, 2024

Does Emirates recruit cabin crews over 30 years old?


























If anyone is curious about their max-age, then here is the proof. Emirates' target age group is 21-25 years old. They love to hire in this age group.

Then we have 25-30 years old. After 30+ it will be super difficult to get this job. From what I know in 2024, their max age is 32 years old.

But the door is open if you are 21 years old to 30 years old. After 30 + then the door will slowly be closing for you.

I assume everyone who is reading this knows that Emirates is ageist and this is no secret in the aviation community.

This photo shows up as an ad on Facebook. You won't get more proof than this.


How to successfully pass all the recruitment steps (Emirates)

 I found this on Quora and it's super informative. Tips and tricks about how to pass an Emirates recruitment event. What to think of and some secrets etc. Check it out:::😊


The things the recruiters look for in candidates:


  • You have to look good. There is no secret that the Emirates crew members all look amazing. Emirates uses their Cabin Crew as their PR. Image is super important for Emirates. That's why they carefully select those who have that ‘’look’’. It's pretty easy though for most people to create this ‘’look’’ with makeup and the right attire. The way someone carries themselves walks, and talks also can make someone look ‘’attractive’’ for the job. The crazy fact is that All Emirates cabin crew recruiters are females. They never hire males for this position. Emirates still do things as if they are living in the 1920s.
  • With a good look comes a flawless skin. By this I mean your skin has to look flawless. Having acne is not a good look when attending a recruitment event. The recruiters reject candidates with severe acne etc. These recruitment events are very superficial among other things. sad but a reality.
  • Candidates aren't allowed to have wild hair colors. It's not acceptable for example to have pink, blue, or even red hair. Natural hair colors are acceptable. No wild highlights are acceptable either.
  • Being presentable at the event is a big plus. For example, wearing formal attire during the recruitment events.
  • Having an easy and simple CV, with no strange gaps in it. Having customer service experience is a huge plus in your resume. Spelling errors in your CV are a big no-no. If you have gaps in your resume, then you better have a great examination for it. 1–2 pages max. Recruiters don't have time to read too much info and page after page.
  • Fluent in English is a must, which is obvious here. With this comes also excellent communication skills. This is one of the number 1 qualities the recruiters look for in recruitment events.
  • Body language. Your body language should be positive. You should smile, and you shouldn't be afraid of making eye contact with everyone. Think of your posture, and you should sit and walk confidently.
  • Females should have full make-up on, nails, and hair on point.
  • Males should be clean-shaven.
  • If you are single and have no kids when applying that is a plus. Sure they hire married folks, but they rather not. They just want young and single people to accept whatever contract is given so they could work work work without any complaints. That's why they don't hire anyone above the age of 32 years old.
  • During group assessment and group work, you should talk a little bit but not take over the whole show. You should be able to work in a group. When talking during group assessments, you should use words like example ‘’ I agree, do you all agree, Is this a good idea for everyone and what does everyone think’’. Talk in a way where you are including everyone and being a team player. For example, saying words or sentences like ‘’ We as a group think this way, our group decided that…’’ etc. Teamwork is one of the main things recruiters look for. If someone is talking all the time and not allowing others to talk, that's a red flag.
  • They don't like overly extroverted people. Neither do they like shy introverts. There should be a balance.
  • During interviews, you should have stories ready about your previous working history or about your education. When talking with recruiters, the conversation should come naturally. You should communicate confidently. If you come off stressed or nervous that's not a good look. This means you can't handle stress and pressure.
  • Your photos that you will include in your application should be flawless with minimal editing.
  •  Their height recruitment is that you should be above 160cm and be able to reach 212cm. There will be a height and reach test during the recruitment event. Being taller than 160cm is even better.
  •  Being lucky to connect with the recruiters. Here is one point that no one can control or practice beforehand. Sometimes as a recruiter, you simply can’t connect with a candidate even if that person has everything they need. There is a gut feeling recruiters have, and that's something candidates can't control. We have had perfect candidates on paper but then they sit in front of you and there is no fire or passion detected coming from the candidate. There is no connection and that's the reason for a rejection. This happens all the time in the HR/Emirates world.
  • Being lucky. That in itself is something no one can control either. The recruiter has a quota when they travel to these cities to recruit. For example, they go to France and their goal is to hire only French-speaking people. If someone from Italy flies to this open day in France, they will get rejected. Even if this Italian candidate might be able to speak a little bit of French or none at all. They simply want to hire only French nationals. For example, they might only want to hire from the age group of 21 to 25. Then if someone is 30 years old, they will have no chance. There are secret quotas they have for every city they go to, and this is something no one can control. You just have to be lucky to fall into this category or the quota that they have for that specific day and city.
  • They don't mention this, but if you come from a specific country that the UAE has issues with. Due to whatever reason political or whatever, they will reject you for it.
  • Being skinny or having a healthy BMI. As I mentioned before image is everything for Emirates as they use their crew as their PR. You can not be overweight or even be super curvy etc.
  • You have to have a nice smile with normal teeth. If you have crooked teeth, you will get rejected.
  • Flexibility, communication, teamwork, customer service oriented, problem-solving, attention to detail, adaptability, leadership, and interpersonal skills are skills that recruiters look for in candidates. They check these skills during the whole recruitment event. From the way you communicate and behave etc. How you solve different situations during the group work etc.
  • As image is everything to them, it's obvious that you shouldn’t have any visible tattoos when being in the uniform or birthmarks that are visible and deep. No deep scars that would ruin ‘’their perfect image’’.
  •  Coming across as a cheerful and social person during the interview and the recruitment event is also something that will land you the job.
  • They are also looking for someone who is a calm person. If stuff happens onboard, you should be able to remain calm.
  • They are looking for candidates who would be able to wear many hats. This is a universal thing, that crew members do a lot of things on board, things that aren't in their contracts. For example, be a nanny and handle kids from time to time. Kids will be running up and down the aisle, and parents will ask you to watch their kids so they can go to the WC. Parents who will not watch their kids and let their kids run around wild. You have to be the one who will inform the parents about the rules. So many things can happen with being around kids.


  • You have to be a person who is quick to come up with stories about how you would handle various situations. Stories that you have experienced during your work or studies etc.
  • You should be healthy. If you have a weak immune immune system and you mention this in your medical papers they will reject you. Having many sick days is a big no-no. They don't want the crew to call in sick a lot. If you feel you aren't fit to fly, get sick a lot, or have medical issues, this job isn't for you
  •  Being articulate is a must to ace the Emirates cabin crew recruitment events.


I would say these tips/tricks/secrets would apply to Etihad and Qatar too. 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Emirates cabin crew accommodation

Have you ever wondered how the Emirates cabin crew accommodation looks like? Well this Emirates crew member has lived in many Emirates crew accommodation. She have moved around a lot. With that, she has gained a lot of experience and insight into how crew accommodation in Emirates is. A really insightful video about Emirates cabin crew accommodation. If the video above for some reason won't work, check it via this link instead:

Friday, May 8, 2020

Etihad cabin crew recruitment process

Dijanas Etihad cabin crew journey. Very informative. To you newbies out there, you will find some tips and tricks. You will get some insight into the recruitment process. While the recruitment process change a little bit year from year. The basics are still the same. The ''system'' is still the same.

Dijanas successful Etihad assessment and interview experience:

My Assessment Day was in Belgrade. It started at 8:00 in Hyatt Regency.
I showed up twenty minutes earlier. One recruiter from Australia was standing at the entrance of the hall. She had a list with our names so you should tell her your name or ID number.
I decided to wait for my friends, two lovely girls with whom I practiced my English and answers for final interview.
We checked in at the last moment and sat for a round table which was in the back of the room. Two recruiters were in the other room.They were taking the documents from applicants. During this process I was asked couple of questions ( what is my current job? about Wimbledon?) and I did the reach test (210 cm). (210cm is from year 2013. Today 2020 it is 212cm)
I was the last one with the number 96.
Then they made a presentation and gave us information about the company and Abu Dhabi. After that they asked questions in order to test our listening skills and then explained our first exercise.

They gave us 5 minutes to find out one interesting thing about our new friend who was sitting next to us. So, we should stand up and speak in front of the whole room:
Hello everyone. My name is .... and my registration number is ....I would like to introduce to you all my friend .....She works as a .....What I found interesting about her is ....for example that she loves pats, she would like to go skydiving, she likes to read and her favorite book is ....
After that we had an English test. Test lasted 15 minutes and had 4 exercises.

I - elementary grammar: provided answers a,b,c,d and you should choose the right one
II - answer the questions about text: again provided answers a,b,c,d
III - text with missing words: you have a list with this words and should choose the right spot for them in the text
IV - answer the questions about the text but this time you should write down the whole sentence

Then the results...
They read the registration numbers and names and those who heard his/her name should leave the room. I was in the group, left the room and followed the others. We went to other room where they again read our names and then congratulated us. We passed, 50 of us.

The next stage, testing our teamwork skills.
Eight of us and one recruiter were sitting for a table. We got a task on the paper. One of the girl read the task and then we had to agree about the steps that we would take in that situations.
We were receptionists in 5 star hotel and we had a guest Mr. Smith who was complaining about the room. What would we do in that situation?
We were really good team and we all got through the final interview. We talked about apology, empathy, extra service (free of charge massage, spa treatments, special meals, free sports activity), about discounts, upgrades, VIP cards.

After this part of testing, they again read the names and registration numbers. But this time, if you were lucky to stay in the room you had passed this stage.

It was 13:00 o'clock and 33 of us made through the final interview. Some interviews were done that day and some people were asked to come back tomorrow.
Before interviews started they had made one more presentation. This time they told us about the conditions, salary, training...
I had interview that day and I was waiting until 18:00 for my turn. We could not go anywhere because we did not know when they would call us. The interview was 2:1, one recruiter was taking notes and the other was asking questions.

My final interview lasted about 15 minutes. Everything happened really fast. I was asked just one customer service question and that question was
Tell me about the time you handled customer complaint?
The other questions from my final interview:
 Why do you want to work for our airline? Why do you want to become cabin crew?
 What makes a good cabin crew? Why are you leaving your present job? 
What can be challenging in moving to Abu Dhabi? What challenges would you face in Abu Dhabi?
What challenges would you face as a cabin crew? How would you deal with being away from your family when working as a cabin crew? 
Are you ready to embrace the multiculturalism? 
Why have you decided to change professions at this stage of your career?

Her timeline:

25.06.2013 - Assessment Day/Final interview
30.06.2013 - Successful e-mail
07.07.2013 - Offered date of joining
08.07.2013 - Signed contract

11.08.2013 - DOJ

If you guys like to read more from her blog, check it out:

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cabin Crew roster - Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Airways

Have you ever wondered how a cabin crew roster looks like?
Below are some sample rosters from Qatar Airways, Etihad and Emirates.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Qatar Airways cabin crew English test

During the assessment day with Qatar Airways, the candidates do an English test.

The English test starts by you reading a story. The story can be about anything. In recent assessment days, the story has been about Qatar Airways. A sample is shown below:

The there will be questions about the story, similar to these:

All these screenshots are from a video on Youtube, I will add the link below.
Anyhow similar English tests are done with Emirates and Etihad too. You read a story then you will answer questions about that story. You also have gap filling questions. I have posted samples of that above. The English tests these airlines have are pretty simple and straightforward.

I hope you guys find this informative!


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Emirates cabin crew timelines 2020

Here are some Emirates cabin crew timelines - 2020
Although because of the pandemic these timelines are only until March-April 2020.

I have included UMs as well. UM is : unsuccessful email. 

05.02.2020 OD + AD
20.02.2020 FI
21.02.2020 IC
26.02.2020 JFIP + GC
02.03.2020 FA
23.04.2020 DOJ


12/01 2020 – OD/AD 
4/02 2020 - FI
6/02 2020 - Call for missing documents
11/02 2020 - Call for new pictures
26/02 2020 - GC
20/03 2020 - DOJ


OD/AD - 06.11.2019
FI - 12.11.2019
AUR - 10.11.2019
IC - 22.11.2019
Email sent for update - 16.02.2020
UM - 18.02.2020


OD : 18.01.2020
FI : 24.01.2020
IC : 26.01.2020
Photos : 30.01.2020
More Info: 10.02.2020
IC : 10.02.2020
JFIP : 11.02.2020
GC : 11.02.2020
DOJ : 03.04.2020


09/01/2020 - OP
27/01/2020 - FI
29/01/2020 - IC, email asking for documents
02/02/2020 - JFIP, missed call
03/02/2020 - GC
30/04/2020 - DOJ


OD: 07/01
FI: 30/01
IC: 02/02
Call for new photos: 04/02
JFIP: 09/02
GC: 10/02
DOJ: 05/03


OD: January 7/2020
FI: January 17/2020
IC: January 20/2020
JFIP: February 03/2020
GC: February 04/2020
DOJ: February 28/2020


AD 1/10/19
FI 7/10/19
IC 27/11/19
UM 4/2/20


OD: 8th January 2020
FI: 21th January 2020
IC: 22nd January 2020
GC: 2nd February 2020


OD: 16th January 2020
FI: 19th January 2020
IC: 22nd January 2020
Uniform Standards Declaration Form again: 27th January 2020
JFIP: 28th January 2020
GC: 28th January 2020
DOJ: 14th February 2020


22 Nov 2019: Open Day
25 Nov 2019: Registration under review
3 Dec 2019: FI
5 Dec 2019: AUR
10 Dec 2019: IC
17 Dec 2019: JFIP
18 Dec 2019: Golden Call
DOJ: 21 Feb 2020 


AD: 26/1-20
FI: 10/2-20
UM: 27/2-20


Emirates open day and assessment 2020

Recently I came across this very interesting and useful Emirates open day and assessment day. It is written by a candidate that went through this process. This candidate has written his experience in great detail, and that is why I wanted to share this. This candidate did not go all the way to the final interview, but he experienced a long way through the process. I find his experience very useful and interesting to read. 
Hopefully this will be to some help for whoever reading this 😊


Emirates - Recruitment event - March 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1) Beginning: 

We were expected to be present at 09:00 AM at the Hilton Hotel in Antwerp. At that time we were with 40-45 people all together. Around 09:15 AM we officially started and unfortunately 3 girls came in late and were send home immediately (so be early!)

2) Registration:

 The recruiter asked us to grab our smartphone and sign up and register on the the Emirates website (link below). We had to add our personal information on there with a photo (just any photo is alright, it's only for identification and you could still change it later). If you already created an account at home, you still had to visit the website, because we were  given a special OD Code so the recruiter could immediately search for all created accounts, so she would have a full list of names as well.

This is the link:

3) CV Drop-off: 

After registration we were asked to come forward to receive our number and tag (sticker with your number). At that same moment we also had to hand over our CV and immediately go back to our seat (the recruiter didn't go over our cv at that moment, so there was no time to say something or give a quick impression of yourself). Some people brought a passport photo as well, but this was not necessary. People who forgot to bring their CV were asked to write a little summery of their CV down on a paper and hand it over afterwards. In the link above from Step 2 you can also add your CV digitally, but it was also required to bring along.

4) Introduction: 

The recruiter wanted to show us 2 introduction videos about Emirates and Dubai, however her laptop was facing issue. So she decided to tell us all about Emirates and Dubai herself and did a great job. The recruiter was very nice, represented the company very well and showed a lot of enthusiasm (and she was funny!)

5) The first assessment:

 At this time it was about 10:15 AM and we were divided in 2 groups of 22-23 people each group. We sat in a circle and were paired in couples. The assessment was to get to know your partner a little bit better and introduce them to the group, by asking the following question: "What's your favorite movie, and why? If you don't have a favorite movie, what's your favorite song, and why?". I did not expect this question at all, but it was a super fun way of getting to know your paired up partner. I expected to receive a card with an image and 4 questions that you could talk about with your partner, but  that didn't happen. We were given about 10 minutes to talk to each other and afterwards introduce each other to the group.

6) What happened: 

Each couple introduced their partner. Some people only needed 30 seconds to introduce their partner and tell about their movie, and some were talking about 2-3 minutes until the recruiter stopped them. Overal I thought everyone did a nice job listening to each other and introducing each other. There were a lot of fun and enthusiastic personalities, but you could definitely see that everyone was very nervous. I also noticed that most people were talking about "what happened in the movie" instead of 'why the person likes that movie", or what personal experience the person has with that movie (example was given: this is my favorite movie because it reminds me of Christmas with my family).

7) After 20-25 minutes:

The second group went in and did the same assessment. In the meantime the first group  had some time off to chat and connect with each other.

8) The result: 

Around 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM the recruiter came outside of the room and posted a list of numbers of the candidates who made it to the second round. Out of the 40-45 people only 11 made it to the second assessment. Unfortunately I failed even though I felt like I did a great job. I was aware of my smile, body language and chose to keep the introduction short and detailed.


Friday, December 21, 2018

Qatar Airways Cabin Crew Timelines

Sharing some Qatar Airways Cabin Crew timelines. Useful to see how it looks like for some of the candidates during their Qatar Airways process. And all these timelines are from this year 2018. Some candidates were asked to add additional documents while others were not asked that for various reasons etc. Each candidate has unique timelines and no candidate can be compared with each other. But it is pretty informative to check and see their timelines. 
I hope you all find it informative.

Open day - 11th August 2018
Assessment day - 12th August
Advance candidate zone - 17th August
Medical mail - 9th September
DOJ mail - 6th November
Training starts: 11 Jan 219

From open day – training: 5 months

OD: August 4th 2018
AD-FI: August 5th
ACZ - Upload Photos Email: August 9th
Photo Received Email: August 19th
Yellow fever/BG/visa Email: September 2nd
Medical Report: November 22nd
Call Asking For Another Medical Exam: December 6th
Point of travel and notice period email: December 17th
DOJ: January 10th.
Training: January 13th.

From open day – training: Approx 5 months
OD: October 20th 2018
AD-FI: October 21st
ACZ - upload photo email: October 25th
Photo Received email: October 30th
Yellow fever/bg/visa : November 5th
Medical report sent: November 20th
Point of travel and notice period email: December 15th
DOJ: January 10th.
Training: January 13th.

From open day -  training: Approx 2 months and 25 days
17th March 2018 - OD/FI/ACZ
20th March - Pictures uploaded
26th March - Asked to repeat pictures
27th March - 2nd pictures uploaded
20th May - BG email
21st May - BG uploaded
24th June - Medical clearance
3rd August - DOJ
5th August - Start training

From open day -  training : Approx 4 months and 20 days
OD: September 1st 2018
AD-FI: September 2nd
ACZ – upload photo email: September 2nd
Photo received email: September 9th
Yellow fever/BG/visa email: September 12th
Medical report sent: September 18th
Point of travel and notice period email: December 16th
DOJ: February 13th 2019
Training: February 17th 2019

From open day – training: 5 months and 17 days

April 15/16 2018: OD/AD
April 17: Email to upload photos
April 29: Photos submitted online
Aug 1&9: Photos received email & Application further reviewed email
Aug 16: Medical ema
Sept 19: Medical doc. submitted online
Nov 6: Email from coordinator for confirming point of travel and notice period
Nov 19: Visa issued
Nov 20: DOJ email
Dec 13: Doha
Dec 16: Training

From open day -  training: approx 8 months

- Oct 20 2018: OD
- Oct 21: AD ( reaching test, tattoo and scars scanning, filling the application and medical documents)
- Oct 21: final interview
- Oct 24: Email to submit the photographs
- Oct 25: Photographs submitted
- Oct 30: Email that the photographs have been received
- Nov 01: Medicals email
- Nov 06: Medicals submitted
- Dec 06: DOJ
- Jan 20 2019: Commence Training

From open day – training: 3 months

06/05/2018 OD/AD/FI
09/05/2018 Email to upload photos
01/07/ 2018 Medical email
29/11/2018 DOJ email
06/12/2018 Confirmed data travel
09/12/2018 Commence training

From open day – training: approx 7 months

Assessment day and FI: 9th June 2018
Photo upload email: 12th June
Uploaded photos: 16th June
Pre-med form, blood group and yellow fever vaccine email: 18th July
Uploaded: 26th July
Golden email: 16th August
DOJ: 20th September 2018
Date of training: 23rd September 2018

Open day – training: approx 3 months

Feb 18/19 2018 - OD/AD/FI
Feb 20 - ACZ / blue background photo
Mar 5 - additional photo request (scar/birthmark) & photo uploaded
Apr 8 - medical email
Apr 10 - upload medical
Apr 11 - visa valid
Apr 30 - request of doctor’s report on declared allergy
May 1 - doctor’s report submission
May 2 - request to repeat doctor’s report
May 8 - repeat doctor’s report submission
May 14 - DOJ email
June 2 - DOJ
June 4 - commence training

Open day – training: 3 months and 18 days

Does Emirates recruit cabin crews over 30 years old?

                                                  If anyone is curious about their max-age, then here is the proof. Emirates' target age...